Sketchbook Tour Series
11.3.2024 15:31

Sketchbook Tours is a series of events designed to stimulate learning from each other. The project is part of our mission to bring educational content to our members.
During each Sketchbook Tour, one urban sketcher will take us through their sketchbooks, offering us the unique opportunity to not only learn about their favorite mediums and techniques, but also understand the thoughts and design decisions behind their work.
We will hear the story of their artistic development, discover how they learn and what inspires them. And we will get to interact with them directly through questions and discussions in a safe, fun, and encouraging environment.
April 6th, 2024 Danael Gabalová
Danael have held a pencil or crayon in her hand since she can remember. Her pictures are often a mixture of lines and layers that overlap, repeat, oppose, flow over each other. She tries to capture fleeting moments that follow one another, things that change over time or in meaning. Her notes are accompanied by portraits of the speakers, and the portraits are accompanied by notes. Her sketchbooks are more diaries than paintings, there is a story behind every page, every picture.
February 17th, 2024 Věra Tůmová
Věra's journey to the urbansketching led through a progressive discovery of different artistic techniques, the discarding of many fears and internal dialogue. Urbansketching, she believes, is the best way to capture the present moment, the atmosphere and emotions, and it frees the soul and can tell stories. Thanks to her profession as a journalist, her reports are no longer just in written form, but also in artistic form. Her sketchbooks are micro-reports from far and near places as well as diary records of everyday life.
Ken began using sketchbooks as part of his work process. He sketched places and people to use as reference for his work as a newspaper cartoonist. These sketchbooks contained simple, crude drawings – more like short-hand notes — to help him remember scenes and ideas. In his Urban Sketchers Sketchbook Tour he will focus on the element of Time within drawing and illustration and discuss how we record, experience and understand Time through sketching and sketchbooks.
November 25th, 2023 Lucia Šmídová
Sketch it until you make it is the main motto that keeps Lucia motivated to overcome the feeling of failure at drawing. She loves the art supplies as much as the art itself and her sketchbooks are the place where she can combine both.
October 21st, 2023 Hana Danková
Painting and drawing have been a great passion for Hanka since she was a child. She has always enjoyed trying to capture the beauty and the transience of the current moment. Hanka finds drawing in a sketchbook similar to writing notes in a diary. She perceives such a picture diary being much more descriptive than any words written on the paper as every page of it can relive the emotions and mood that she felt at the moment she drew the given picture.

May 11th, 2023 Hana Alisa Omer
The leading line of Hana's artwork of more than 50 years has been inspired by external changes and internal transformations in her life. Prague inspires Hana with her unique beauty, history and mythology. About 2 years ago, Hana began to work on the painting “Heavenly Prague” that is going to be exhibited together with preparatory sketches.
Jiří always liked to draw, but when he found his father's old oils and tried to paint his first canvas, he fell in love with painting. As he became more involved, he found that he needed to practice more and put away the large canvases for the time being. His sketchbooks have become a great friend, and he is constantly filling them with sketches of the city, people or figures.
February 11th, 2023 Lisa Purcell
My favourite medium is tiny sketchbooks. To me, they are visual diaries of quiet moments at home, and unique moments in faraway places. All my supplies must be compact, lightweight, and mess-free, since they follow me wherever I go. You may be surprised to learn that I don't find this at all limiting. I can fit everything I need into my everyday handbag, comfortably.
January 14th, 2023 Rui (rupicreations)
Rui is an avid experimentalist whose sketchbooks will offer us a peek into the wide variety of styles and media he employs, including his own homemade inks, brushes, and pens.