Urban Sketching: Za dveřmi theatre street festival
Hosted by Lenka Kýrová
2023-07-13 18:15 from 2023-07-13 18:15 2023-07-13 18:15
Join us for a sketching session at the street theatre festival "Za dveřmi".
We will watch 2 performances:
18:30 Bratři v tricku - Pošťáci
20:00 V.O.S.A. Theatre - Druhý krok
6:15 pm: Meeting at the entrance to Holešovická tržnice (near the "Holešovická tržnice" tram stop)
Map: https://mapy.cz/s/jogurepose
9:00 pm: Meeting at the area of the second performance after it's over
For New Members
If you have urban sketching questions or suggestions, please bring them up with the group admin Lenka Kýrová.
Event image sketched by Jan Vítek.