Urban Sketching: Westfield Chodov Shopping Centre
Hosted by Hana Danková
Thursday, December 14 from 5:00 PM CET
Let's try to capture together the pre-Christmas hustle in the second largest shopping centre in the Czech Republic. It may be a bit crowded at this time of the year but offers very interesting architectonic details, nice views through the rounded corridors and challenging-to-draw openings to the bottom floors.
5:00 pm: The shopping centre is quite large, so it will be probably easiest to meet in front of Cinema City on the 2nd floor: https://www.westfield.com/.../obchody.../cinema-city/71199
For those who have never been to Westfield Chodov, you can enter the shopping centre directly from the metro C station Chodov: https://en.mapy.cz/s/jedelerega
7:00 pm: Meeting on the same spot, showing our sketches and sharing our experiences.
For New Members
Our events are open to everyone who enjoys drawing and urban sketching. There are no fees, just bring your own sketchbook and media you like. There is no formal tuition given but you can certainly get inspired by others. All levels are welcome!
If you have urban sketching questions or suggestions, please bring them up with the group admin Lenka Kýrová.
Event image sketched by Hana Danková.
Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/196957896814793