Urban Sketching: DinoPark Harfa

Hosted by Hana Danková

Monday, April 29 from 5:00 PM CEST

Let’s try something unexpected: let us sketch prehistoric creatures in the DinoPark Harfa!

The DinoPark is located on the roof of the Galerie Harfa shopping centre, next to the O2 Arena in Vysočany.

The admission will be free for us.

For latecomers: just mention at the ticket office that you belong to the drawing group.


5:00 pm: Meeting in front of the ticket office. The DinoPark is located here: https://en.mapy.cz/s/polozoloba

7:00 pm: Meeting on the same spot, showing our sketches and sharing our experiences (the DinoPark closes at 7, so we shouldn't stay longer).

For New Members

Our events are open to everyone who enjoys drawing and urban sketching. There are no fees, just bring your own sketchbook and media you like. There is no formal tuition given but you can certainly get inspired by others. All levels are welcome!

If you have urban sketching questions or suggestions, please bring them up with the group admins.

Event image drawn by Hana Danková.

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